Academics at New Life Christian Academy Classical Education
At New Life Christian Academy, we endeavor to teach all of the scholastic subjects from a Christian worldview. Because we believe that our American heritage is paramount to the success or failure of our culture, our educational approach is inspired by a "back to the future" philosophy, a classical method of teaching driven by the concept of the Trivium. This method has proven highly successful and fits hand-in-glove-with your child's natural development. It contains three educational levels: 1) the grammar stage 2) the logic stage 3) the rhetoric stage.
Three Educational Levels
In the grammar stage (K-5th grade), students are given the opportunity to master the facts and vocabulary of each academic subject, memorizing and absorbing a great amount of information that provides a foundation for further understanding.
In the logic stage (6th -9th grade), as the child's capacity for formal reasoning develops, we teach formal logic and correct methods of argumentation, providing a framework within which earlier memorized information can be organized.
And finally, in the rhetoric stage (9th-12th grade), as teens begins to be concerned about appearance and self-expression, the staff teaches them the art of effective presentation, showcasing their educational accomplishments.
In addition to the academic excellence expected of our students, the New Life Christian Academy is charged with training up responsible citizens and adults with integrity. Therefore, our student body is required to be respectful and polite in all interactions. Our citizenship policy includes that students follow the basic tenets of Biblical discipline in a positive and compliant manner.
In the logic stage (6th -9th grade), as the child's capacity for formal reasoning develops, we teach formal logic and correct methods of argumentation, providing a framework within which earlier memorized information can be organized.
And finally, in the rhetoric stage (9th-12th grade), as teens begins to be concerned about appearance and self-expression, the staff teaches them the art of effective presentation, showcasing their educational accomplishments.
In addition to the academic excellence expected of our students, the New Life Christian Academy is charged with training up responsible citizens and adults with integrity. Therefore, our student body is required to be respectful and polite in all interactions. Our citizenship policy includes that students follow the basic tenets of Biblical discipline in a positive and compliant manner.
The trivium “tool box” is not the only thing that sets our school apart from other programs. In addition, we offer a culturally robust education that includes a thorough knowledge of the classics of philosophy, literature, music, and art. Each student is required to master a musical instrument. Private music lessons are offered outside of school hours for an additional cost. These requirements are supplemental to the further requirements of daily devotions, the study of ancient history and contemporary cultures, mathematics, penmanship, Bible class, grammar, linguistics, science, logic, both classical and modern languages (including one student choice), a basics in Greek, and mandatory Latin beginning in the third grade.
We are most assuredly not just another Christian school.
A final note to parents: When asked why a child should be placed in this type of environment as opposed to the currently accepted form of education, we are inclined to answer with the words of scripture: "He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad.: (Matt. 12:30)
"No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other." (Matt. 6:24)
As parents, we can make no greater nor more important decision than how to safely, morally, and conscientiously educate our children. New Life Christian Academy is honored to assist your family in this vital decision.
We are most assuredly not just another Christian school.
A final note to parents: When asked why a child should be placed in this type of environment as opposed to the currently accepted form of education, we are inclined to answer with the words of scripture: "He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad.: (Matt. 12:30)
"No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other." (Matt. 6:24)
As parents, we can make no greater nor more important decision than how to safely, morally, and conscientiously educate our children. New Life Christian Academy is honored to assist your family in this vital decision.